
Corpus Application Suite ®

Corpus Application Suite® is the proprietary solution offered by Sophos to meet all regulatory (except for ICSRs) and internal reporting needs. Developed on most advanced technology, Corpus Analytics® enables the user to query, analyze, monitor safety data and also complements with the reports that are not available in Safety System.

Sophos Dictionary Manager

Sophos Dictionary Manager helps in MedDRA/MedDRA J up-versioning and management. It saves significant time and cost during MedDRA up-version. It also has comprehensive reports to support up-versioning decisions and results.

Sophos E2B Gateway

Sophos E2B Gateway providing the seamless integration between Reporting destination (License partner/Authorities) and safety system with maintaining integrity.

Sophos EasyMigrate

Sophos EasyMigrate can identify import errors and warnings before import. These errors can be resolved using update code list mappings inside the solution itself. Migration can be performed in single threaded mode or multi-threaded

Sophos eSynchronize | E2B R3 Solution

Sophos offers a web-based simple plug and play solution for R2-R3 backward forward compatibility. It helps in converting R2 E2B Xml files into R3 files and R3 E2B Xml files into R2. This solution also provides side by side comaprison of converted files. It also consists of summarized reports and audit trail.

Sophos Safety Data Profiler

Sophos Safety Data Profiler helps in reviewing data quality issues. Issues such as those related to data entry, data migration, and backend updates, can be further categorized.

Sophos Validation Package

Sophos offers a robust and comprehensive Validation Package for implementation, upgrade, migration and maintenance of Safety Systems including Oracle® Argus Safety™ Application Suite and Aris Global™ ARISg, which helps clients comply with 21 CFR Part 11 requirements. Our Validation Package ensures standards in which electronic files are considered equivalent to paper records, saving time, and effort.